Sunday, April 10, 2011

I am an addict!!!

So the verdict is in I am an addict with my watch. I thought I would try something new on Thursday night. I told myself "self there will be no looking at the watch, you may peek at it only to see the distance." Off I went down Airport Rd feeling so good. I was focusing on my cadence and mid foot hitting. Then I focused on my hands and arms for a while. I was thinking geez I feel pretty darn good I have to be getting close to 5 miles but I am not looking at the watch. My brain was now focused on my friends...Eminem, Metallica, Journey, Usher you know the normal peeps I run with. Then it was the town hill...where I normally slow down...I thought "lets go bitch" (excuse my language) I honestly knew I need to fatigue my legs and keep my pace up whatever that maybe. So I thought of Mike talking my form to me and boom the town hill was over and I felt like I did not slow down I am sure I did though. I finally peeked at my watch and it said 7.2 I thought ok at 7.5 I am going to stop and stretch for like 30 I did! A mile and half to go and I can look at my watch. You can do it dont look at the pace. I ran and ran I got to the end of my driveway and hit stop and looked way no way an 8:30 pace! I have NEVER EVER ran that fast for 9 miles. I think the moral of this story is I will not be looking at my watch and it really allowed my to think of my form and just run.....sara

1 comment:

  1. rock it out sister! i know you can do it! i ran saturday (my 8) and i encountered that hill at 7 miles and i thought of you and said "you're mine bitch" and powered on up! mind over matter! LOL!
